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IPFS News Link • Politics: Democratic Campaigns

PHOTOS=> Hillary's Handler Carries DIAZEPAM Pen...

•, Jim Hoft

In recent bizarre events on the campaign trail a strange man was noticed at Hillary Clinton's side. 

The man is dressed like a secret service agent but his actions prove otherwise.In a recent campaign stop in a Union Hall in front of a sparse crowd, at about the time when some liberal protesters began to protest, Hillary Clinton suddenly froze. She looked dazed and lost.  Seeing this, a group of men rushed to assist the candidate on the stage.  One man however gently pats the candidate's back and then says, "Keep Talking."

An expert on Secret Service tactics told TGP Secret Service agents would not touch a candidate in the manner that this individual did and especially Hillary Clinton.  It has been widely reported on Hillary's disdain for the agents who work to protect her. The man who touches Hillary may be a member of Hillary's close staff – but he is NOT a Secret Service agent.

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