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The 1994 Energy Charter Treaty allows utility firms to sue governments if they make changes to energy policies. Several EU states say the pact is incompatible with the urgent need to tackle climate change.

Article Image by Jordan Peterson

Dr. Peterson and Dr. Lomborg read their article most recently published in the Telegraph. Together, they discuss how those who hypothetically lead us on the environmental front are actually failing to save the planet at this years Climate Change conf

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Marijn Poels -

Former London banker Alexander Pohl worked for years for one of the world's greenest banks. Idealistically driven he financed big wind and solar farms genuinely convinced he was making the world a better place.

Article Image by Ron Paul Liberty Report

More and more people are realizing the absurdity of "getting rid of fossil fuels," and don't find the idea of "eating the bugs" as appetizing. We work to bring home the bacon, not the insects. The ideas of "woke capitalism" and "climate finance" are

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Where have they all gone? Alaska snow crab season canceled as officials investigate mysterious disappearance of an estimated 1 billion crabs – Unprecedented 90% drop in population
