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Drugs and Medications

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Article Image, Russell Brand

This week I spoke with Nicolas Glynos - Vice President of the Student Association for Psychedelic Studies / Co-founder of Psychedelic Neuroscience & Therapy for the University of Michigan & His work on DMT.

Article Image, Sky News Australia

A new leaked video of Hunter Biden shows the president's son filming himself with a cigarette in his mouth as he weighs a mystery powder on a scale which social media users have dubbed as "crack", a nod to his well documented drug history.

Article Image by Mimi Nguyen Ly

California Gov. Gavin Newsom announced on Thursday that the state will develop its own "low-cost" insulin--an essential hormone that many rely on to treat their diabetes--making the state the first in the country to pursue such an effort.

Article Image By Monica Lozano

While many have bought into the simplistic idea that availability of firearms is the cause of mass shootings, a number of experts have pointed out a more uncomfortable truth, which is that mass shootings are far more likely the result of how we've