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Drugs and Medications

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Agence France Presse

US and Mexican authorities said they had unearthed a massive, 0.62 mile long tunnel dug under their border by drug traffickers, with 2 tons of marijuana inside. Lined with concrete, equipped with ventilation and lights, is cut 85 feet deep

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AP - Sam Cage

GENEVA - LSD is an unlikely subject for a 100th birthday party. Yet the Swiss chemist who discovered the mind-altering drug and was its first human guinea pig is celebrating his centenary Wednesday in good health and with plans to attend an internati

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By Valerie Richardson - Washington Times

Stoked by their surprise victory in Denver, marijuana-legalization advocates are hoping to ride the momentum with statewide ballot initiatives this year in Colorado and Nevada.

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International Clearing House

The Bush administration has sent troops into Paraguay. They are there ostensibly for humanitarian and counterterrorism purposes. The action coincides with growing left unity in South America, military buildup in the region and burgeoning independent

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Associated Press

Police launched a massive sweep of San Diego's medical marijuana dispensaries today. Most of the city's 18 known dispensaries hit. Led by local police, but DEA agents are also said to be involved.

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Associated Press

Dottie Neeley, 87, was fingerprinted, photographed and thrown in jail. She is among a growing number of senior citizens charged in a crackdown: Elderly people reselling their painkillers and other medications to addicts.

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The Guardian

Resurgent Taliban forces have forged an alliance with drug smugglers in the lawless Afghan province of Helmand, underscoring a worrying slide in security just months before thousands of British troops are due to take control in the spring.

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by Bill Sardi (

More than 20 years after 4 controlled studies showed that glucosamine and chondroitin supplements allay the symptoms of wear-and-tear (osteo) arthritis, the NIH finally backs 2 studies to confirm what was known 2 decades ago.

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Associated Press

Seniors can begin signing up today for Medicare prescription drug plans. In most states, at least 40 plans are being offered. Some offer prescription drug coverage only. Others offer the full range of Medicare services, such as visits to a doctor

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Senior Food and Drug Administration officials may have decided to reject a politically sensitive request for over-the-counter sales of a "morning-after" contraceptive months before agency scientists finished reviewing scientific data, cong

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Associated Press

Cocaine traffickers have largely abandoned planes for boats to smuggle cocaine, they have global positioning systems, satellite telephones and custom-made 800-horsepower fiberglass boats that can do 50 mph.

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In a major victory for Merck & Co Inc., a jury decided the drugmaker provided adequate warning to doctors about health risks associated with its withdrawn painkiller Vioxx and did not commit consumer fraud in marketing the drug.

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Several U.S. Supreme Court members appeared supportive on Tuesday of allowing New Mexican followers of a small Brazilian-based religion to legally use hallucinogenic tea as a sacrament, a case that pits drug laws against those protecting religious fr

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Associated Press

Residents of Denver voted to legalize the possession of small amounts of marijuana for adults. Denver authorities, though, said state possession laws will be applied instead. You are the servant.