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IPFS News Link • Haiti

Haiti, Third World Violence, and the SHTF

•, Fabian Ommar

It'll soon be replaced by another issue of the moment, but it's everywhere now, and even celebrities and artists are rushing to show support for the "wonderful Haiti," praising the disgraced country's enchantments.

Daisy's report on the explosion of violence on the Caribbean island had commenters expressing their views as well, with many mentioning worries that something similar can happen in the US. She and Selco returned to the topic last week, posing a couple of rather pertinent questions at the end to stimulate the debate:

"Do you use the situation in Haiti as a possible example of how bad the SHTF could really get? Or do you have a bunch of reasons why you believe you are different or somehow exempt from such things?"

My intention in writing a post to answer that is not to create a polemic, much less antagonize. It is just to provide a different point of view and why I think it matters for those who want to stay prepared for this specific type of SHTF.

To answer Daisy's first question –

Yes, it makes sense to use Haiti as a case study.

As well as the Balkans, Lebanon, Argentina, WW2, or any other war or disaster. We take these and other historical events and analyze how far humans can go to create and survive SHTFs. Even though we're doomed to repeat history, we can and do learn a lot from it individually.