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IPFS News Link • Haiti

Who Had "Haitian Coup by Cannibals" on Their 2024 SHTF Bingo Card?

•, by Daisy Luther

According to multiple sources, the capital city of Port Au Prince has devolved into stunning violence, and gangs have taken over, demanding the resignation of Prime Minister Ariel Henry in a Haitian coup.

A gang leader known as "Barbecue" is now the most powerful man in Haiti and appears to be in charge of the chaos.

A state of emergency has been declared in the country after gangs attacked two prisons, setting many criminals free.

It is now thought that 80 percent of the Haitian capital is controlled by these gangs.

Describing the violence in the country, a journalist on the ground told Daily Express US that cannibalism has been witnessed on the streets as the violence reaches "unprecedented" levels.

Speaking anonymously, theysaid: "Haiti is living in a total chaotic situation right now. It is total chaos everywhere, especially in the capital where I am right now.

"Haiti has a leader, Prime Minister Ariel Henry, but he is not inside the country right now. In the meantime you have gangs waging full attacks on key institutions. (source)

Prime Minister Henry is petitioning the UN and asking for security forces to step in and restore order.

Some US Embassy staff has been evacuated from Haiti and American citizens have been warned to depart immediately. (source)

The international airport and the main seaport have closed and public institutions are on the brink of collapse.

More than 4500 inmates have been released to wreak havoc on the poverty-stricken island country.