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IPFS News Link • Florida

Hannibal Run: Biden Admin Warns Florida May Get Swamped By "Mass Migration" Wave From Hait

• Zero Hedge

If only someone had given the Clintons a few more billion to vaporize as they "fixed" Haiti using a criminal combo of toxic  constructionfailed investments and the promotion of deadend macroeconomic policies before its president was assassinated in broad daylight, and before the whole island turned into a anarchic, warlord ridden, Mad Max wasteland of cannibals, maybe things could have turned out different. Or maybe not.

With the world still shocked at the whirlwind events taking place in the formerly quaint Caribbean island, on Tuesday Department of Defense officials testifying in Congress discussed the possibility of a "mass migration" into Florida as conditions in Haiti continue to deteriorate. Call it a... Hannibal Run?
