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IPFS News Link • Science, Medicine and Technology

New Nanoparticle Treatment Could Ease Arthritis Pain Following Breakthrough...

• By Good News Network

A new treatment of nanoparticles has been found to be effective for easing the pain of rheumatoid arthritis in the lab.

Just one dose of the state-of-the-art medicine could provide patients with relief if clinical trials using lab mice can be replicated in humans.

A team of Korean scientists published their research after developing a new solution for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis (RA), which currently has no cure.

First author of the study Dr. Sagang Koo explained that one of the major hurdles in RA treatment is the inability to restore the immune system to its healthy state.

"The disease triggers a mix of troublesome symptoms like inflamed joints, harmful cytokines, and immune system imbalances, which work together to create a relentless cycle of worsening symptoms.

"While targeting some of these factors can provide short-term relief, others remain unresolved, leading to a frustrating cycle of remission and flare-ups."

She said that leaves the body unable to control the continuous production of harmful substances—such as reactive oxygen species (ROS) and inflammatory cytokines—leading to persistent inflammation and discomfort.

"The ideal treatment for RA should not only provide immediate relief from inflammation and symptoms but also address the root cause by restoring the immune system to its normal, balanced state."