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IPFS News Link • Healthcare

I'm a diagnosed psychopath... these were my 'morbid' interests as a kid

• Daily Mail

A woman who claims to be a diagnosed psychopath has shared the 'morbid' interest she had as a child, revealing a window into the mind of those with the personality disorder.

A TikToker, by the name of victhepath, revealed that her special interests included the Holocaust, human sacrifices by ancient Mayans and the original Grimm fairytales - among three other gory stories.

Scientists have found that because psychopaths have reduced empathy and sensation-seeking behavior, they tend to have an increased interest in violent and disturbing content.

The research suggested that psychopaths may be drawn to violent or gory stories due to a desire for stimulation or a need to assert dominance, which may explain the special interests of the TikToker.
