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IPFS News Link • Florida

Political Purges in America, FBI Intimidation, but hope against Woke rises in Florida


The FBI are raiding the homes of his main political adversary and his supporters too, knocking on doors based on nothing more than anonymous tips, without search warrants. They demand answers to ridiculous questions, the only purpose of which can be intimidation or fishing trips. Lines in the sand are being crossed here that we never thought would be crossed in America. Things that ought to have the whole nation (and allies) standing to attention.  Personal communications with lawyers used to be confidential, "not any more".   How do we explain the hunt for someone's daughters' Instagram posts?

Against that dark background, something great is unfolding in Florida and other states. Ron de Santis delivers a great speech below, laying out how he's fighting back against the Tech Giant Oligarchs, the WEF, the UN, Woke ideology, school indoctrination, gender change surgery on children, forced injections, and election fraud. We've discussed the State fightback against the influence of BlackRock and ilk which abuse their fiduciary duty with retirement funds to force ESG on hapless corporations.  It's a Christmas wish list of free men against corruption and tyranny. And he's not just talking about it, but winning battles, and many Americans are loving it. They're leaving crime ridden, high taxing Democrat states to come to Florida in record numbers.

The Tucker Carlson reporting from two days ago should give anyone chills, but the Ron de Santis speech below that would give citizens of democracy hope (and a handbook for how to win). The US may yet be saved by the strength of the States.