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IPFS News Link • Central Intelligence Agency

Operation Crimson Mist And Electronic Slaughter:

• By Stefan Stanford

Just days ago, Alan Barton wrote a well-researched and documented story published on ANP titled "The 'New Eugenics' Is Bringing Genocide To The World As The Globalists Create A 'Death Machine' Carrying Out Mass Murder And 'Human Experimentation' Tied Directly To US Intelligence" within which he carved out for us the deep ties between the 'deep state' and the genocidal programs going on across the planet now. And this story will be taking that theory in another direction, tying it to evidence of both historical genocide and the current genocide ongoing now across the world.

And we'll start that by kicking off immediately with a video lecture given all the way back in 1995 by a Canadian theology professor by the name of Dr. Pierre Gilbert as seen and heard in the video we've embedded directly below, one in which we're sure many who listened to his lecture way back then thought it sounded like some 'crazy conspiracy theory,' but now sounds like the Dr. hit the nail right on the head.