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IPFS News Link • Vaccines and Vaccinations

'Plandemic' Documentary

•, By Joseph Mercola

The 26-minute documentary "Plandemic," part 1, by Mikki Willis, features Judy Mikovits, Ph.D., a cellular and molecular biologist1 whose research showed that many vaccines are contaminated with gammaretroviruses, thanks to the fact that they use viruses grown in contaminated animal cell lines.

Mikovits suspects COVID-19 may in fact be a type of vaccine-derived or vaccine-induced retroviral infection, and she's undoubtedly qualified to comment on this disease because of her groundbreaking research on retroviruses.

In other words, she believes SARS-CoV-2 merely serves to activate or wake up a dormant XMRV infection, which then causes the symptoms of COVID-19. Work done by Mikovits between 2009 and 2011 suggested 25 million to 30 million Americans were carriers of XMRVs and other gammaretroviruses.

Seeing how that estimate is over a decade old, that number is now likely to be far higher. In my view, her hypothesis is an interesting one that should warrant further investigation.
