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IPFS News Link • Health and Physical Fitness

Vitamin C: A Powerful Weapon During Cold and Flu Season

• by Jeremiah Johnson

Every article I have written on supplements I have included the caveat of asking your friendly family physician for permission.  This is not to cover my backside (although it does help), but because there are many people who may have underlying health problems that do not permit the use of certain supplements.  If you fall into that category, then check before you indulge.

That being said, let's discuss Vitamin C and the benefits that can be derived from its intake.  The normal "FDA Recommended Daily Allowance" is 60 mg per person per day.  It is hard to "overdose" from Vitamin C, as it is a water-soluble vitamin.  What this means is that any excess of it not utilized by the body's metabolism is excreted in the urine.  As a "Nice to Know factoid," all vitamins are water-soluble except for Vitamins A, D, E, and K, the fat-soluble vitamins.  These guys are taken in and then stored in the fatty tissues of your body.  A good acronym to remember this by is the acronym "All Dogs Eat Kids," as a mnemonic to help you recall this checklist when buying your vitamins.