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IPFS News Link • Conspiracies

The Spy State Unleashed

• by Justin Raimondo

After hearing about an alleged Russian plot to throw the election to Donald Trump for eight months, amid leaks by "former government and intelligence officials," this media narrative being pushed relentlessly by Rachel Maddow and the fake journalists over at CNN has come to naught. I've pinned a tweet to the top of my Twitter profile that's my answer to this sort of nonsense:

None of the official reports issued by our intelligence agencies and made public contains a lick of real evidence that the Kremlin guided and encouraged Trump's rise to power: they consist of simple assertions, and exclamations of "high confidence," without giving anyone a reason to feel the least amount of confidence in their conclusions. They hide behind the old "sources and methods" excuse in their failure to provide what could even loosely be defined as proof of their allegations. Yet some of these "sources and methods" have come to light anyway, as the leakers desperately try to salvage their failing narrative.

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