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IPFS News Link • Vaccines and Vaccinations

CDC, What Are You Doing About Glyphosate in Most Vaccines?

• By Catherine J. Frompovich

The CDC dropped the ball more than big time when it did not advise health agencies around the globe that most of the vaccines produced in the USA have glyphosate in them—think Roundup®, the supposedly 'safe' herbicide that Monsanto makes and sells globally.

What huge health problems the CDC and ALL public health agencies—federal, state and local—have created for every person on the face of the earth by mandating vaccines for newborns, infants, toddlers, teens, adults and senior citizens, and which other gullible countries' health agencies  mechanically follow as correct!

However, in view of the global HPV vaccine adverse health catastrophes, many countries now are rethinking vaccines and are suing vaccine manufacturers.

If I want to be fair and cut the CDC a slight bit of slack, CDC relies upon what the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) tells them is 'gospel' scientific truth regarding vaccines that the FDA spouts "hook, line and sinker" as supplied to it by vaccine manufacturers, Big Pharma, accompanied by the generous monetary funding and personnel Big Pharma supplies FDA [2]. Consequently, FDA would consider everything it gets from Big Pharma as factual, so why bother even to investigate if the science ostensibly is correct!

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