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Vaccine propaganda push sounds just like marijuana 'reefer madness' fear campaign of 1960s


(NaturalNews) It's appalling to look back into recent U.S. history and see how top-down, coordinated propaganda campaigns have led the people into a state of blind ignorance and obedience – so much so, in fact, that people persecute one another over something as natural and harmless as the cannabis plant. It's sickening to look back and see how the "reefer madness" propaganda campaign of the 1960s ultimately led to increased incidences of violence and malice, as excessive police and government force ripped families apart and locked nonviolent people in cages for decades.

The same coordinated propaganda tactics used then are being used today to usher in an era of blind obedience to an ever-increasing number of vaccinations. The goal today is the same as it was during the reefer madness of the 1960s: to turn people on one another, to suppress the truth about nature, and to usher in the destruction of individual property rights.

Here's how these issues are one and the same: An individual owns their own body; what they do with their own property is an inherent freedom entirely up to them, as long as they are not harming another. There is no justification to use force against individuals who use something as harmless as cannabis. Likewise, there definitely is no justification to force an individual to receive any kind of drug or vaccine against their will.

Individuals who refuse vaccination are now targeted by vaccine industry propagandists

Today, the same propaganda techniques of the reefer madness era are being used to target healthy individuals who rely on their own inherent immune systems. In much the same way that cannabis was labeled as dangerous, addictive, sinful and without medical benefit, vaccines are pushed as 100 percent safe, scientific and effective. It's all just brainwashing.

Newly uncovered vaccine compliance training manuals, uncovered at the European Regional Office of the World Health Organization (WHO), show that a PSYOP is in full effect to convince the public that vaccinations are necessary, and that all individuals must submit. The manual, titled Best Practice Guidance 1st Edition: How to Respond to Vocal Vaccine Deniers in Public shows exactly how individuals are viewed: as "adversaries" who need to be convinced and injected. We are also viewed as "conspiracy theorists" who need to be re-educated and mind controlled into believing in vaccine science. The training manual teaches academic leaders, politicians and media spokespeople how to address vaccine deniers and skeptics on public platforms. This vaccine compliance training manual teaches how to manipulate audiences into believing in vaccines, overriding individual rights and health concerns.

With cannabis prohibition, force is only used when people are in possession of a substance. The situation could escalate even more with vaccines, because the government would be called upon to administer force on all individuals who do not comply with vaccine standards set by the state. If enough people can be convinced that excessive government force is necessary to vaccinate everyone into compliance, then the same violence that occurred during the dark years of cannabis prohibition may unfold in the coming years with vaccine mandates. Just as during cannabis prohibition, armed paramilitary groups could be sent to people's homes. Innocent people could be shot while resisting injections. They could be arrested and imprisoned. With vaccine mandates, anyone who refused or even questioned a vaccine of any kind could be targeted.

Cannabis prohibition has never been about a drug war. Vaccine mandates are not about solving a public health crisis. The propaganda campaigns behind both, and the ensuing use of force attached thereto, are a coordinated war on people, a suppression of nature, an assault on individual, human rights.