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IPFS News Link • Vaccines and Vaccinations

What Gandhi said about vaccines

•,by Jdayh

The internet meme above has been subject of a good bit of controversy. Not only is Gandhi taking what many today consider an extreme 'anti-vaxxer' stance, but some have questioned whether or not he ever made this statement, or statements like it.

The truth is that this quote only scratches the surface of Gandhi's biting critique of the dangers, inefficacy, and malfeasance associated with the vaccination campaigns of his time.

Gandhi, of course, is history's most celebrated anti-imperialist, having almost single-handedly set into motion India's independence from British colonial rule. He was extremely sensitive to Western forms of control and oppression, and was able to apply his intellect to the manner in which the Western medical establishment was coercing millions of Indians to succumb to the unhealthy practice of smallpox and plague vaccination

The relevant chapters from his book A Guide to Health are republished below, but we have summarized some of the key points he makes so you can get a quick sense for how remarkably relevant his views on the topic are still today, and perhaps entice you to read the entire chapter thereafter.
