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IPFS News Link • LOVE

The Brotherhood of Man: A Tibetan Perspective

•, By Ethan Indigo Smith
 All wars root themselves in a bed of belief in and support for institutions, and in contrast, the hatred for and stigmatization of individuals within varying alternative institutions. All zealotry and loyalty begins in the feeling of being involved in an institutional family. People are convinced that they are part of an institutional family, an institution that presents itself as immortal.

In Tibet and the region, Buddhist lamas are known to reincarnate and return to their monasteries variously proving they are toddler reincarnates and the Dalai Lama is found through reincarnation tests.

To the profoundly compassionate Buddhists, heritage and family lineage is unimportant next to the compassionate brotherhood, at the monastery or wherever. Seeking to solve suffering with compassion is much more important than any other community, more important than your family, your friends, your neighborhood, your state, your country and whatever institution you might put before compassion.

1 Comments in Response to

Comment by PureTrust
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Buddhism is love. Love your friendly, neighborhood SWAT as they are breaking down your door. Love them as they are shooting you down. Love them as you are lying on the floor dying. Love the heck out of them when they won't let the paramedics save you. And here's the greatest way to love them.

Consider that SWAT is not doing what they do out of love. Consider that they will probably move farther and farther away from love in their job. Consider the low form of life that they will be reincarnated to because of their lack of love. Then, out of extreme love, do the thing that shootfirst says in many of his comments. Do this out of love, so that they (SWAT) will not fall further out of love before they have a chance to be reincarnated, so that they will come back in a higher form than they would have if they were allowed to continue on in their non-loving way. Love is the way to handle SWAT.

Oh, by the way, which institution is going to administer the brotherhood of man. Maybe it will be each individual acting as his own, personal, individual institution, and we will wind up with things that are as messed up as they are in the world right now.