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IPFS News Link • Energy

New Biden Energy Rules Will Raise The Cost Of A New Home By $31,000

•, by Mike Shedlock

Homes To Become Even More Unaffordable

The Wall Street Journal comments on Biden's New Plan for Unaffordable Housing.

The Department of Housing and Urban Development is mandating costly new energy standards for new homes insured by the Federal Housing Administration (FHA), which will become de facto nationwide building codes.

HUD last Thursday announced that it will require new homes financed or insured by its subsidy programs to follow the 2021 International Energy Conservation Code standard.

Many governments have declined to adopt the 2021 standards because of their higher costs. The National Association of Home Builders says the energy rules can add as much as $31,000 to the price of a new home. It can take up to 90 years for a buyer to realize a payback on the higher up-front costs through lower energy bills.

Not to worry, HUD says taxpayers will help cover the cost. It "is anticipated that many builders will take advantage" of numerous tax incentives in the Inflation Reduction Act "as well as rebates that will become available in 2025 or earlier for electric heat pumps and other building electrification measures," the rule says.

These incentives include a $5,000 per unit tax credit for "zero energy" multifamily construction that meets prevailing-wage requirements that also raise building costs. HUD adds that builders may also "take advantage of certain EPA Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund programs, especially the Solar for All initiative" and an investment tax credit that can offset 50% of a solar project's cost.