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IPFS News Link • Conspiracies

'Lone Gunman': Suspicious Similarities, Norwegian, Australian, American Shooters

•,by Douglas Herman
 The CSI series focuses mainly on fictional, smalltime crimes while the greatest crimes are rarely investigated. Crimes that affect millions, in reality, are swept under the rug. Nothing to see here; move along. Yet an empire backed into a corner will employ any atrocity, no matter how monstrous. No crime is too great: mass murder, mayhem, school shootings. An empire backed into a corner, controlled by sociopaths and psychopaths, uses any atrocity, no matter how monstrous, if convinced of immunity. All that is happening in every NATO country today is understood by studying Operation Gladio. Terrorize a frightened population until the people cry out for "protection," for government intervention. The playbook is the same; only the players have changed.

The mass shooting in Newtown, Connecticut mirrors exactly the same mass shooting 16 years ago by a man from Newtown, Australia. Both Newtown shooters were, according to news reports, “mentally impaired.” Surprised? People who knew both men beforehand reported them to be non-violent. And yet their command of weaponry, hundreds of fatal shots fired, mirrored a team of special forces soldiers, rather than ONE mentally impaired person. “Whoever was on the trigger in Tasmania managed a kill rate well above that required of a fully trained soldier, an impossible task for a man with Martin Bryant's mid-sixties IQ and his total lack of military training,” wrote investigator Joe Vialls.