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IPFS News Link • Police State

Peru police announce seat-belt crackdown [America, the Land of the Free!]

• News Tribune
Peru (Illinois) police plan a crackdown on drunken and unbuckled drivers June 22-July 4. The effort will focus on late-night hours, when there are more traffic deaths, drunken drivers and motorists not wearing seat belts.

State police and more than 200 local police and sheriff’s departments will be out in full force, showing zero tolerance for drunken drivers.

To avoid a ticket, call a taxi or sober friend or designate a sober driver. Or call the designated driver program, (815) 992-8100.

The crackdown is funded by federal traffic safety funds through Illinois Department of Transportation, part of programs called “Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over” and “Click It or Ticket.”
