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IPFS News Link • Entertainment: Movies

Nazis in space pack in the crowds at Berlin film fest

A sci-fi black comedy about Nazis from the moon invading Planet Earth is one of the hottest tickets at the Berlin film festival, which is better known for its gritty political fare.

"Iron Sky", a B-movie spoof drawing the crowds at the 11-day event in the German capital, imagines that Hitler's surviving henchmen set up a lunar colony after the fall of the regime in 1945, biding their time to strike back.

The opportunity comes in 2018 when a US astronaut exploring the dark side of the moon comes face to face with a Nazi soldier clad in a black uniform and a breathing mask.

Behind him, a secret military base shaped like a swastika looms into view, prompting giggles from the packed audience.

The intergalactic farce produced mainly in Finland pits the would-be Fourth Reich against an America led by a Sarah Palin double, who is seen incessantly jogging in the Oval Office.

"This basically came from a stupid joke dreamed up after a trip to the sauna," said director Timo Vuorensola, who generated much of the financing for the film among fans online. 

1 Comments in Response to

Comment by Strmic
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Now we know where Rick Santorum came from.......  Looks almost identical to one of his campaign adds.