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IPFS News Link • Food Recipes - Long Term Storage Foods

Letter Re: Proof of Staple Food Price Inflation

Captain Rawles,
First, continued thanks for your blog; I regularly read a number of web sites and in my opinion is ground zero for preparedness and socio/political/economic intelligence information. Second, I thought I'd pass on some additional proof (as if it wasn't already obvious) of significant inflation in food prices.
We shop at the local Mormon (The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints) cannery near Denver for wheat, pasta, nonfat dried milk and other bulk items. For those who didn't know, the Mormon canneries are open to non-members (at least for now) and the prices for bulk food goods is unbeatable. (See cannery locations). However, even this venue has experienced the ongoing inflation witnessed throughout our economy. (I grab an extra inventory sheet and date it whenever we visit to keep track of prices). Here are some numbers:

  November, 2010  November, 2011
Nonfat dry milk (25 lbs) $35.40  $47.20
White rice (25 lbs) $8.45   $13.00
Hard red wheat (25 lbs) $6.35 $11.45
Quick oats (25 lbs) $8.15 $15.95
Potato flakes (25 lbs) $22.10 $33.30

The average price increase is 63%, with wheat and oats almost doubling in cost the past 12 months. The Mormon canneries still have the best bulk food prices I can find, but stock up now, as food prices continue to rise and the Mormon church may not always sell to non-LDS members.

1 Comments in Response to

Comment by GrandPoobah
Entered on:

clearly the author does not know what proof is. What was offered was some evidence. Now, I am sure that this comes as a shock to many, but just because you think that you saw something does not mean that it actually happened, and in this case, even if it did happen, that does not make it "universal". For example, Oats, which this poerson has almost doubling in price, actually declined by about 10% over the past year. Likewise, the KCBT read wheat went from 7.70 to 6.65 or down about 15%. Hey, maybe those Mormon Canneries were taken over by the Catholic Church in league with Jewish Bankers. to help pay off all those pedophile lawsuits. In any case, the costs cited are not due to actual costs of raw materials.