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IPFS News Link • Police State

Program Host Amy Goodman and Staff Settle in 2008 RNC Arrest Case.

Industry News Tuesday, October 4, 2011
| October 4, 2011

Program Host Amy Goodman and Staff Settle in 2008 RNC Arrest Case.  Amy Goodman hosts the New York-based radio and TV program “Democracy Now” and it was in that capacity that she and her crew were covering the 2008 Republican National Convention in St. Paul, Minnesota when violent protests broke out.  While filming the action, her crew was arrested by police insisting they were part of the disturbance.  Goodman was also arrested when she came to their defense.  Goodman and crew sued the City of St. Paul and the U.S. Secret Service with the assistance of the Center for Constitutional Rights.  The settlement includes $100,000 and the promise of police training.