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IPFS News Link • Police State

Professor Sues Pittsburgh for Zapping Her With Weapon Developed to Fight Terrorists

PITTSBURGH (CN) - An English professor says she suffered "permanent hearing loss, nausea, pain and disorientation" when Pittsburgh police used a Long Range Acoustic Device, developed to fight terrorists, on a peaceful demonstration against the IMF, in which she was not participating, but merely watching.
     Karen Piper sued Pittsburgh and its police force for negligence, civil rights and constitutional claims, in Federal Court.
     "During the G-20 Summit Meeting held in Pittsburgh in September 2009, City of Pittsburgh Police used a Long Range Acoustic Device (LRAD) against civilians on or about the streets of Pittsburgh," the complaint states.

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Comment by Hawkeye
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Cops are Brainless,and will do anything they are told to do.One of my best dreams is that they,the Brain Dead Police fire into a crowd only to Kill their own Mother,and Children...and they will if someone tells them to.