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IPFS News Link • Vaccines and Vaccinations

Gay Vaccine Experiments And The American (Not African) Origin Of AIDS


Ever since the AIDS epidemic became official in June 1981, there have been rumors that AIDS is a man-made disease. Although this theory has been  discredited   by "scientific consensus," there is evidence linking the outbreak of this new disease to a vaccine experiment conducted on gay men in New York City, as  well as in other U.S. cities, between 1978 and 1981.

The first epidemic cases of AIDS in America were uncovered exclusively in young, previously healthy, and mostly white gay men in Manhattan in 1979. The cause was   unknown until 1984  when a virus, later named HIV (human immunodeficiency virus), was accepted as the infectious agent. How a  sexually transmitted disease (STD),   purportedly originating in Africa, was transferred into a so-called "gay disease" in New York City was left unexplained, except for preposterous stories like the gay Canadian airline steward Gaetan Dugas, who was demonized in the media and tabloids as "the man who brought AIDS to America."


Beginning in 1974, workers in a   bloodmobile provided by the New York Blood Center in Manhattan began soliciting 8, 906 gay men for a hepatitis B vaccine research study (Koblin et al, 1992). Over the next few years more that 10,000 blood samples were donated by gays willing to participate in the development of a vaccine that might prevent hepatitis B. This viral disease was an  STD disproportionately affecting sexually-active homosexuals.

The AIDS epidemic in the U.S. directly traces back to this government-sponsored vaccine experiment! Eventually, 1,083 gay men were recruited to be injected with an experimental hepatitis B vaccine at the New York Blood Center. In the months before the actual experiment began, the vaccine underwent preliminary testing for safety and immune response on two hundred physicians at New York Medical Center, as well as on twenty-eight employees of Merck & Co, which made the vaccine.


1 Comments in Response to

Comment by GrandPoobah
Entered on:

This article is just more evidence that aliens have seeded our planet with a stupid virus.

The AIDS epidemic in the U.S. directly traces back to this government-sponsored vaccine experiment! Eventually, 1,083 gay men were recruited to be injected with an experimental hepatitis B vaccine at the New York Blood Center.

Anybody with an IQ above room temperature can go to the net and find dozens if not hundreds of well documented citations of diseases that were probably aids before the 70's In addition tissue samples from these (at the time mysterious cases) were kept, and they reveal the presence of HIV 

So, whoever wrote this article is either as dumb as dirt or a liar