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IPFS News Link • Police State

Police Grab, Throw Mute Man and Arrest Him for Not Recycling

• silverunderground
Scott Yoos, a man who is unable to communicate except by written notes, was thrown to the ground by a police officer for throwing a paper towel in a trash can rather than recycling it. Upon throwing the paper out, he was violently thrown to the ground and had his pen and paper taken away, rendering him unable to communicate with the police officer. Mr. Yoos was charged with resisting arrest and criminal trespassing, but plans to plead not guilty.

2 Comments in Response to

Comment by tittiger
Entered on:

It's because of greenies like this that I absolutely  postitively all the time refuse to recycle.  Putting a gun to my head does not convince me to go along with the greenie dogma.

Comment by Powell Gammill
Entered on:

And not for littering, but for using the wrong garbage can--- for using the trash garbage can.  'All your recyclables belongs to us.'
