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IPFS News Link • Health and Physical Fitness

New health warning against drinking distilled water

• Terrence Aym
Distilled water is pure and free of toxins, right? Wrong! Many health conscious consumers, however, are unaware of the long term potential of toxicity inherent in distilled water itself. Continuous use of the water will eventually lead to an imbalance in the body's electrolytes, mineral deficiencies and create a rising acidic condition. Over a period of time distilled water can even create adverse effects at the cellular level. The distillation process also creates a water that can eventually lead to heart arrhythmia, higher blood pressure and—disturbingly—can skew the biochemical functions to such a degree that memory is affected as well as basic cognitive skills.

1 Comments in Response to

Comment by Olde Reb
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 The writer apparently does not know the difference between treated water (probably all bottled water) and distilled water (such as rain water).   Distilled water does not carry PCB and such.