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IPFS News Link • Central Intelligence Agency

Detained American Says He Was Beaten in Kuwait

• NY Times
An American teenager detained in Kuwait two weeks ago and placed on an American no-fly list claims that he was severely beaten by his Kuwaiti captors during a weeklong interrogation about possible contacts with terrorism suspects in Yemen. The teenager, Gulet Mohamed, a Somali-American who turned 19 during his captivity,

2 Comments in Response to

Comment by Anonymous
Entered on:

If not an enemy of Amerika before - most probably, he is now.

THIS is how our Government protects us.

Comment by Brock
Entered on:

"Mohed Mohamed said that his family, which fled Somalia in 1995, has always been pro-American and grateful to the United States for its intervention in Somalia’s civil war in the 1990s."

Live (maybe) and learn.
