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H1N1 vaccine linked to 700 percent increase in miscarriages

(NaturalNews) Recent data presented to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's (CDC) Advisory Committee on Children's Vaccines has revealed some shocking information about the effects of the H1N1 / swine flu vaccine on pregnant women. According to the report, the rate of miscarriage among pregnant women during the 2009 H1N1 / swine flu pandemic soared by over 700 percent compared to previous years, pointing directly to the vaccine as the culprit -- but the CDC denies the truth and continues to insist nobody has been harmed.

According to the CDC, nearly 50 percent of all pregnant women were vaccinated with the H1N1 vaccine during the 2009 / 2010 influenza season. Those whose physicians instructed them to get a seasonal flu shot were three times more likely to get it, while those instructed specifically to get the H1N1 shot were ten times more likely to get it. And the numbers clearly show that along with the rise in vaccinations due to the H1N1 scare came the sharp increase in miscarriages, including a slew of actual reported adverse events.

2 Comments in Response to

Comment by Paul In Tampa
Entered on:

 Oh yeah... I remember that. Obama declared a national emergency and schools were trying to force our children to have these shots, which had extremely high Mercury levels.

Liberal Lame Stream Media couldn't concoct stories to authenticate the "state of emergency" and I still today don't know one person who even knows another person who had H1N1. 

Like everything else president zerO has backed.... FAIL! 

Comment by Anonymous
Entered on:

 Nah!  This has got to be a false story - or - the data was mis-read - or - it's just a fluke.  I mean, the Government swore to us that the vaccine was not harmful, that it was good, that there were no problems for people taking it.  They swore.  And..and..the Goverment never lies...not to us.....not to its own citizens....