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IPFS News Link • Police State

Raw footage: Oakland cops in riot gear, Foot Locker spree, other videos

• San Francisco Chronicle
An assortment of videos and commentary on the Oakland riots which were triggered by the absurdly lenient sentence handed to the police officer who murdered a hand-cuffed man in cold blood and then covered it up. Anyone still think the gummint isn't purposely egging on the people toward violence?

6 Comments in Response to

Comment by Die Daily
Entered on:

Female, you are definitely not. Your animal argument is very persuasive, however, and I will gladly yield.

Comment by Concerned Patriot
Entered on:

Die Daily who said I was a sir or a gentle"man"? For all you know you could be talking to an animal or a woman.



Your move sir.

Comment by Die Daily
Entered on:

Don't worry Oyate, you don't personally own that hurt, so it's OK.

Comment by foundZero
Entered on:

Guys I am so disappointed.

It's not that I can't trust you not to commit heinous acts of barbarism or narcissistic self-destruction.

It's the thought that you would do it without me that hurts.

Comment by Die Daily
Entered on:

CP, you are an officer and a gentleman. Alas, so am I: After you, sir, I insist :-)

Comment by Concerned Patriot
Entered on:

Hey Die Daily.

┓┓┓┓┓┃ BECOME
┓┓┓┓┓┃ AN
┓┓┓┓┓┃ HERO