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IPFS News Link • Healthcare

Waterman Key To Cure, Relief Or Repeat?

Hope springs eternal when what you need is beyond reach. Such was the case in 2009 when a doctor named Pete Peterson showed up on what I now know to be a very popular “whistle blower's” website called Project Camelot to give a lengthy description of a medical device that sounded more like something from Star Trek than what you would now find in a doctor's office. Peterson described this device as one that supposedly blasts specific frequencies into a person who is ill and puts an end to all sorts of illnesses – including cancer. Now, close to a year later, public access to this medical miracle is no closer than the ticket counter for a trip to Mars. But wait! The device surfaced again recently on a radio show in the Netherlands called The Waterman Files on Argusoog Radio. The host is Dr. John Waterman, who is said to be using an alias to protect him from less-than-friendly encounters with government-type officials who would reportedly prefer that he stop blowing his whistle. On

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Comment by Christian Berania
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(My apologies, I posted incorrectly.  Here is the rest of my article):

The device surfaced again recently on a radio show in the Netherlands called The Waterman Files on Argusoog Radio.  The host is Dr. John Waterman, who is said to be using an alias to protect him from less-than-friendly encounters with government-type officials who would reportedly prefer that he stop blowing his whistle.  On his April 23, 2010 radio show (found here) Waterman claims to have possession of one of these devices that he calls a Body Scan, and described at-length the "quantum healing" mechanisms by which it actually works to conquer illnesses often considered a death sentence.  With this new information surfacing from Waterman, there is a lot of "chatter" within the naturopathic health community and elsewhere, with many holding their breath wondering if this doctor will actually make something available in a real-world setting - unlike Peterson, who popped like the weasel and disappeared into the mulberry bush.

Waterman is said to have stopped a highly contagious strain of West Nile Virus with a reported lethality rate of 25%+ using this machine after he was brought in as a consultant by the U.S. Government.  Now, the wait is on again.  Will Waterman now do something that will allow us access to what sounds futuristic but is in actuality real?  Waterman has a blog called The John Chronicles ( with one Tobias Davidson.  Although I am not certain how this individual fits into the puzzle, the two seem to know what they are talking about with articles about everything from quantum physics and God to NASA and geopolitics.  I for one am not hoping for miracles, but after hearing this new information I admit it sounds more hopeful than the deafening silence following Peterson's disclosure.  Will Waterman fill the void, enabling real people like us to know where and how to access these therapies?  Bring it on, Waterman!  You have taken the torch - what are you going to do with it?

 Note:  This article has been forwarded to the blog contact for Waterman/Davidson.  I will followup when (if?) I hear back from them.  Also, Waterman is reportedly starting a new radio show called "Simply Your Health" on May 6th on the same station.  Maybe we will hear more about this after all.

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