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IPFS News Link • Central Intelligence Agency

Cheney's FBI interview: 72 instances of can't recall

• AP
Federal prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald famously declared in the Valerie Plame affair that "there is a cloud over the vice president." Last week's release of an FBI interview summary of Dick Cheney's answers in the criminal investigation underscores why Fitzgerald felt that way.

On 72 occasions, according to the 28-page FBI summary, Cheney equivocated to the FBI during his lengthy May 2004 interview, saying he could not be certain in his answers to questions about matters large and small in the Plame controversy.

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Comment by hatchcar
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 This was such a hoax.  As Sibel Edmonds noted in recent articles, and interviews, that Brewster-Jennings was closed down 2 years prior to the Novak article, and all due to accusation that Mrs. Edmonds made when she stated that then No.3 man in the State Department, Marc Grossman, tipped off the Turks about what Brewster-Jennings was, and that was it.