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IPFS News Link • Food

Bill giving FDA new powers to oversee food supply has wide support

• LA Times
-  Legislation granting the Food and Drug Administration new powers to oversee the nation's food supply has elbowed its way onto Congress' crammed calendar with bipartisan support and rare agreement between consumer groups and an industry stung by product recalls.

The legislation, sponsored by Sen. Richard J. Durbin (D-Ill.), would require the FDA to step up inspections of food facilities and to issue new rules to improve the quality of imported food and to combat contaminants in fresh produce. The measure also would give the agency authority to recall products on its own, instead of relying on industry cooperation.

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Comment by Farm Wars
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This is probably S510. Notice that the name of the bill is not mentioned. This is on purpose just so that we will not go to the extra effort to look it up and see just what it is they are trying to force down our throats this time. It has gotten very little publicity, but I believe it is in the same vein as HR 2749, which is a monster of a bill, enacting NAIS.