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IPFS News Link • TAXES: State

New York State Tax Revenues Slump 36%, Is New York The Next California?

• Zero Hedge
(Comment mine he obviously is blind to the spending and taxing)


New York State’s income tax revenue has dropped 36 percent from the same period in 2008, Governor David Paterson said, “frustrating” his attempt to close a projected $2.1 billion budget deficit.

“We added personal income tax, which we thought would make the falloff 10 percent to 15 percent,” Paterson, a Democrat, said on CNBC today, referring to $5.2 billion in new or increased taxes. “This is what is so frustrating. It’s still 36 percent, meaning our revenues fell more in 2009 than they did in 2008.”

The budget will still be $2.1 billion in deficit because spending plans exceed revenue projections, the state Division of Budget said July 30. The report predicted deficits of $4.62 billion in 2011, $13.3 billion in 2012 and $18.2 billion in 2013.

The Governor, who has recently had a major falling out with President Obama, may be in even more hot water as hopes for major tax windfalls from corporate taxes vanish due to generous NOLs established during last year's financial collapse:


“We are Ground Zero for the economic recession