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IPFS News Link • TAXES: State

Michigan Plans to Start Taxing Cars Based on Distances Driven, Threatening the Right to Drive

• by Lauren Folkas

Some Worry Outlawing Human Drivers Entirely Is Next

This debate is nowhere near over. And in the coming years, as the number of electric vehicles on the road increases, it may be the first of many changes made to the country's roadways and taxation practices.

Though with technology advancing every day and even self-driving vehicles hitting the market, some people worry that the GPS trackers are only the beginning. They believe American citizens may soon lose their right to even drive their own car

As this problem has sparked debates within state and federal government organizations, as well as among the American public, many people are asking the same question: Why can't we install more toll roads or simply increase the price of existing tolls?

Some states are trying this tactic. However, many believe that toll booths are still unfairly positioned so that only some drivers will be paying the high taxes depending on their routes, whereas others will pay nothing.

5 Comments in Response to

Comment by tittiger
Entered on:

Someone is not fuking paying attention: "....Threatening the Right to Drive...." Isn't the drivers license, the plates, the mandatory insurance, a threat to this non-existent right? Are American morons or what?

Comment by tittiger
Entered on:

Someone is not fuking paying attention: "....Threatening the Right to Drive...." Isn't the drivers license, the plates, the mandatory insurance, a threat to this non-existent right? Are American morons or what?

Comment by tittiger
Entered on:

Someone is not fuking paying attention: "....Threatening the Right to Drive...." Isn't the drivers license, the plates, the mandatory insurance, a threat to this non-existent right? Are American morons or what?

Comment by tittiger
Entered on:

Someone is not fuking paying attention: "....Threatening the Right to Drive...." Isn't the drivers license, the plates, the mandatory insurance, a threat to this non-existent right? Are American morons or what?

Comment by tittiger
Entered on:

Someone is not fuking paying attention: "....Threatening the Right to Drive...." Isn't the drivers license, the plates, the mandatory insurance, a threat to this non-existent right? Are American morons or what?
