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IPFS News Link • Police State

Do not hit the snooze button.......Wake UP

• savoy (libertarian)

What the hell is wrong with America? Have people gotten so complacent and ignorant that they are willing to relinquish all control and surrender their well being to the state? Remember a time when you were responsible for yourself and your family? Remember a time when people took responsibility for their own actions? Well….I don’t. This country has been in a downward spiral for longer than I have been alive. We are so far gone that people are actually accepting this corrupt, thieving, lying, murderous, tyrannical, corporate fascist state, as a leader. Some of you will call me unpatriotic or un-American for the things I am about to say. However, as George Orwell said, " In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act." And to those who wish to speak negatively about my dissent, I will tell you that opposing corruption in government is the highest obligation of a patriot.

I would like to begin with why our founding fathers and the origina

2 Comments in Response to

Comment by Psychictaxi
Entered on:


Best thing I've read all year - thanks for posting Thomas! 

Comment by Paul The cab driver
Entered on:

While I appreciate the well written article and the point it tries to make, I suggest the author go back and study more about the Founding Fathers.  They were not a monolithic group interested in securing liberty and freedom.  In fact, they ranged in opinion and world view from market anarchists who just wanted to be left alone (Tom Paine and Sam Adams) to law and order "good government guys" (John Adams) to limited government utopian dreamers (Thomas Jefferson)  to imperialists who wanted their own empire (George Washington, Alexander Hamilton) The compromise they settled upon, the Constitution, was and is a fatally flawed document with loop-holes big enough to drive a division of tanks through.  These flaws were partially mitigated by the Bill of Rights.  However, with the rejection of state nullification and the assumption of the Supreme Court as the ultimate arbiter of what is and isn't constitutional, our fate was written. 

The author talks about how the Founding Fathers risk(ed) their lives to bring forth the most highly evolved form of government in the history of man, and still is to date, a Constitutional Republic. True.  But that Republic is still a government--the "legal" monopoly of the use of force in a given geographical area.  Since the initiation of violence is evil, what the Founders actually achieved is to institute a more pure form of evil.

The solution is not a return to the constitution.  This is impossible.  but even if it were possible, and our generation succeeded in limiting government again, it would only be a few years until the "limited" government was up to its old tricks again, expanding its size and oppressing its subjects.  The only solution is the absense of government entirely.  And that can begin right now.  All you have to do is 1) Realize that violence is evil.  2) Peacefully refuse to submit to violence or to use it.  3) Withdraw individually from the State.  It's what anarcho-capitalists mean when we say "Declare YOUR independence."