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IPFS News Link • Healthcare Industry

Must-See Undercover Exposé of Socialized Healthcare!

• Big Hollywood
If you’re like most asinine leftists, you’ve probably been a long time advocate of “Universal Healthcare” without ever having had the opportunity to experience the crappy, decrepit system first-hand… Well here’s your chance… And you better hold on tight, Buttercup, because it’s going to be a bumpy ride.

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Comment by Sharon Jarvis
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This video is yet another Republican lie. Until you  have experienced being too poor to pay for health insurance, but not be poor enough to get government help, you do not know what it is like to live in the U.S. and be sick.  Unfortunately most Americans are too ignorant, nor do they even want to know the truth, so big business continues to lie and you idiots believe it--to your own detriment.  We have 15% of the population with no health care and another 50% who are probably underinsured.  CEOs take home millions by denying life-saving procedures to people who have paid their premiums and then find out the company will find any ridiciulous reason possible in order to avoid paying the bills.  60% of all bankruptcies are the result of people who cannot pay their medical bills, and 25% of those are older citizens who have lost everything.  As this depression continues, you will see more and more people in need, but right-wingers seem to prefer these people die than be helped.