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IPFS News Link • Police State

Authoritarian Overreach

• Tucson Weekly
Terry Bressi is not some hapless schmuck who won't fight a bully. Just ask the Tohono O'odham Police Department. Or the U.S. Border Patrol. Or, for that matter, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement. Ever since December 2002, when Bressi w

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Comment by foundZero
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It may be worth pointing out that on the many native reservations in the Southwest and in Arizona, when you encounter "tribal police" there is ABSOLUTELY NO GUARANTEE you are dealing with a member of the tribe (in other words, a Native American).

You could be dealing with an employee of the tribe (or tribal counsel) who could be just anybody, or you could be dealing with US Marshals, BIA, BLM, FBI or any number of state and federal agencies whom may operate on native reservations.

More traditional elements of Tohono O'Odham are in consultation with other tranditionalist elements throughout Native America, and they share many values and concerns with other Arizonans and patriots.