Article Image Powell Gammill

Letters to the Editor • Camera Fraud

The Oppression of Photo Enforcement

 With the advent of modern technology in the hands of institutions and people of questionable character, it brings its own set of modern day problems that opens the door for abuse of the public purse.

Take for instance photo enforcement. These traffic surveillance cameras, or photo enforcement stationary equipped police cars parked on the side of the road, are on almost every street corner and highway with the incentive of governments to put more and more of them out on public roads.

Every infraction of “the law” is immediately captured on film, and is met with swift cold legal action, leaving little room for human error or mercy on the public.  Aside from the fines being way too excessive and highly unethical with police state tactics, it makes for bad laws that affect those least likely to afford the fines that come along with driving, the potential being great to break some traffic law, some time, if you intend on continuing to drive.

It wasn’t very long ago, (before photo enforcement came along) if you made a traffic error of turning left on a suddenly turned red light, or was going a little above the usual 10 mile limit over the prevailing speed limit, that you were not always stopped for a traffic violation. If you were, many times you were met with an officer who showed mercy for those he or she served and let you go with a warning. There wasn’t always a traffic cop hiding on almost every street corner waiting to pounce on their victims. The fines were more reasonable, and you didn’t feel like you were being fleeced and taken advantage of.

With the prevailing hard economic times that most Americans are experiencing, the hardest hit are those on minimum wages, the elderly on low fixed incomes, and those middle income families that are struggling to make ends meet, they are quickly being wiped out.

Many local city, county, and state governments are unable to meet and balance their budgets through overspending and are near or at financial insolvency, a case in point is the state of California, and other state governments around the nation.

Now is not the time to be hitting the over burdened public with oppressive fines and unethical means to finance more overspending, and more oppressive government that is never satiated!

Good government is benevolent towards its citizens, and lives within its budget, and treats its people not as sugar daddies, but fairly and with true justice and respect. It is never a good philosophy to make more stringent laws to counter the public’s abuse of their freedoms and liberties, but rather to educate them spiritually, morally, and intellectually on their proper role as law abiding citizens when they’re are young and their minds most opened to instruction.  But this kind of education should not be done by any local, state or federal government educational agents, but in the home by the parents with no oversight by some inept and meddling government representative.

Good government leaders are not necessarily those overpaid agents decked out in expensive suits and ties, but those adorned and schooled in the spiritual principles of freedom and what true liberty really entails.

Education without spiritual and moral instruction only makes for educated criminals, which our nation obviously has a plenteous supply of.

Bad government is not acting in the best interests of its people and is self serving, with a tendency towards oppression and tyranny.

Photo enforcement is the tactics of a burgeoning police state, and has no place in a free society. It is another way of calling it tyranny.

We must not allow the continual encroachment on our freedoms and liberties by out of control governments!

Please consider sending this or something you compose, to your local city, state government leaders, and possibly your local city news paper, and express your outrage at the continuing abuse of photo enforcement. If we don’t take the time to do this we can only expect more of the same actions. Do you really want this to happen??

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