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2018-05-28 16:52
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Entered by: David Macko
If I had more money I would be glad to donate reparations in the form of a ticket for any "victim" to a country of his choice so long as it is one way. No exceptions.
2018-05-28 16:45
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Entered by: David Macko
A majority of the US House of Representatives or the US Senate could put it out of business temporarily by denying it any funding. The President and a majority of both houses of Congress or 2/3 of both houses of Congress could abolish it. Five members of the US Supreme Court could abolish it by ruling that it is unconstitutional, which it obviously is. The fact that it still exists indicates that they want it to do so. Therefore, they must be replaced when they are eligible for election again or, in the court's case, when Congress impeaches them and removes them from office.
2018-05-28 15:29
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Entered by: PureTrust
Too bad they can't recall emails (spam).
2018-05-28 13:08
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Entered by: PureTrust
Any time Trump feels that he has been stomped on too much, all he has to do is this. Require the judicial system, to require that an injury to a man/woman be shown in every trial, by the injured MAN/WOMAN getting on the stand and stating it. This is required by law, anyway. But because of the ignorance of the people, it has slipped through the cracks in most trials. See the Marc Stevens video at This is also one of the major points that Karl Lentz is pointing out in his common law videos. - If Trump starts tweeting this, and tweeting it with instructions to the people on how to defend themselves, the whole Deep State will go so crazy that they will collapse themselves with their own panic.
2018-05-27 11:10
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Entered by: Goldbug36
Mr. Lendman, would you rather support the radical mullahs or the oppressed citizens of Iran? Iranians have tried many times to overthrow this stifling Islamic theocracy in favor of a more secular leadership, but they have had little support from the West. Perhaps President Trump can see future events much differently and more positively than you. Your wholly negative articles are not helpful in the quest for peaceful solutions..
2018-05-25 06:25
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Entered by: Donna Hancock
2018-05-24 12:13
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Entered by: TVFMONTANA
I think you have the wrong date. of the show. June?
2018-05-22 17:13
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Entered by: Anonymous
You mean it glows in the dark to tell cutters to cut here. (?) OK. Take back all that redacted paperwork about research to grow tumors. Then avoid the ingredients in serum, adjuvant, preservative, coloring agents, odorizing agents, homogenizing agents, flavoring agents, etc. Example: Want peanut butter? Ingredients = peanuts
2018-05-22 16:53
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Entered by: Anonymous
Whatever Starbux wants, Starbux gets. Wait. Where's my rage? I don't know. Cane we get any sillier? Any less principled? What's rage got to do got to do with it. What's rage but a sweet old fashioned notion. Oooo. My rage has me growin' coffee plants in my blinkin yard. You feel me dog?
2018-05-22 16:46
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Entered by: Anonymous
Hhhh. Evicted from the womb after 9-month incarceration, evicted from domicile during the day (terms of probation approx 15,000 hours, age 5 to 17), evicted from parental emotional availability, evicted from parent-offspring bonds, evicted from familial love and affection, and not to mention the lost opportunity of the mom to abort the pregnancy. Hhhh.
2018-05-16 00:15
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Entered by: Anonymous
There was a war. A war is never pleasant. Many were killed on both sides. Israel belongs to the Jews. Period. Whoever lives there has to agree with the conditions. And After all the Muslims have here much better conditions then anywhere in the world! Stop to cry over the past! Look at your opportunites. Think positiv. Build don't destroy! The Jews maybe have a holocaust day to remember the victims But not to take revenge!!! This is a crazy way of handling the issue. Israel exists. To constantly teach to hate and kill will at the end be most harmful to the Muslims. To teach children to kill (and be killed) is not the way Start to wake up. No one sent anyone away. So start to exept your new environment. And be grateful what is given to you. To constantly start fires and trying to destroy the country will harm the Muslims more.... 60% have already been diagnosed with lung diseases... Well come to Israel!!
2018-05-16 00:15
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Entered by: Anonymous
There was a war. A war is never pleasant. Many were killed on both sides. Israel belongs to the Jews. Period. Whoever lives there has to agree with the conditions. And After all the Muslims have here much better conditions then anywhere in the world! Stop to cry over the past! Look at your opportunites. Think positiv. Build don't destroy! The Jews maybe have a holocaust day to remember the victims But not to take revenge!!! This is a crazy way of handling the issue. Israel exists. To constantly teach to hate and kill will at the end be most harmful to the Muslims. To teach children to kill (and be killed) is not the way Start to wake up. No one sent anyone away. So start to exept your new environment. And be grateful what is given to you. To constantly start fires and trying to destroy the country will harm the Muslims more.... 60% have already been diagnosed with lung diseases... Well come to Israel!!
2018-05-11 13:47
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Entered by: chris gill
the so called deal was a illegal treaty with no weight of law behind it. For that to have occurred the senate would of had a vote on it. Which it has not.... Also how in hell was it a good deal for the united states to begin with? They can do whatever they want, hide anything and according to this fake treaty we can't do squat about it. Even European's leader have admitted Iran has done nothing to fulfill it duties under the so called treaty. The only advantage to the Europeans is they made a killing when the sanctions went away and have their collective heads up their asses when it come to the security of their own nations. Just look at the EU with their runaway immigration policies. Thank Merkel in Germany and anti-Christian progressive attitudes for that one....
2018-05-03 07:21
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Entered by: PureTrust
An ID is not you, the man or woman. The ID card is not you, the man or woman. If you sign paperwork for an ID, get a copy. Is there a Government person who is a signer along with you? If not, the ID is not a contract or agreement except if there is agreement stated in the paperwork you sign. If Gov. uses the paperwork to say that you made an agreement with them, let them show the agreement. - In the USA, we have the right to travel. The ID simply makes it easier and faster to be acknowledged as a friendly traveler. The ID adds nothing to the right to travel, and it takes nothing away. After all, you, the man or woman, is the one who has the rights. Not the ID. But, "they" will try to use it to control you. Stop them the moment that they do so. If you don't, the whole country will fall further into civil law. In the future they will say, if you have the ID, you have no right to own a gun.
2018-04-30 14:54
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Entered by: PureTrust
Fiat makes more dollars simply by legislating, and then making ledger entries or printing dollars. Bitcoin can easily go the other direction. No more bitcoins can be made, but each of them can be divided into almost infinitely smaller segments of the satoshi. The satoshi, btw, is the smallest part of a bitcoin, currently, like a penny is the smallest part of a dollar. It is currently one 100-millionth of a bitcoin. But, all the devs need to do is change a little of the Bitcoin code to split the bitcoin as small as they want. For example. Let's imagine that there was only 1 bitcoin left in the whole world. That would mean there were only 100,000,000 satoshi's left in the whole world. But if you split each satoshi into 100,000,000 parts, suddenly there comes into being a whole lot more of this BTC token. Totally opposite of the way fiat has to work.
2018-04-30 10:00
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Entered by: PureTrust
Ever hear of supply and demand? There isn't any immigration problem. Two thirds of U.S. land is not being used because government won't let us use it. - Libertarian principles suggest to let the people come. Then, teach them freedom and common law. Common law is essentially, freedom except when someone injures someone else. Make the punishment fit the injury. When enough of Mexico comes to the USA, supply and demand will kick in and make the Mexican government change to be like the US government just to get their people back. The biggest problem of the whole USA government is that common people are ignorant and unwilling to learn that government people are people, and can be litigated, personally, and be made to pay back personally for injury done to people. If we understood this, and made it happen in all cases where we disagree with government, government would back off, and our form of it would spread to Mexico and other countries easily.
2018-04-28 06:14
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Entered by: Patricia Anderson
Please clarify address to mail letters for Thomas Costanza. Is it Maria Theresa Weidner, Federal Public Defender, District of Arizona, 850 Adam, Suite 201, Phoenix, AZ 85007?
2018-04-27 09:20
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Entered by: PureTrust
Ozone and hydrogen peroxide therapies are done in Mexico. They work. Have all the countries of Africa kicked any doctor out of Africa entirely?
2018-04-27 08:36
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Entered by: PureTrust
Where does any document or artificial entity get its authority for existing? Isn't it from people? The Constitution is a document, and may be an artificial entity, right? So, where do the people state their authorization for the Constitution? "We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America." If the Constitution doesn't do the things that the Preamble says, it is of no effect. The Preamble is common law. It says that the Constitution is to be used as a benefit for people. For example. If you are taxed, and there is no clear benefit for you, and the Constitution does not stop your taxation, but rather seems to upholds it, the Preamble infers that such taxation is not part of the Constitution.
2018-04-26 11:09
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Entered by: chris gill
Unfortunately too many are fleeing the cities they help make a cesspool out of and will cry and whine why they can get more money for some thing or another and of course the politicians will not stand up to them and soon there will be a new cesspool.
2018-04-23 13:11
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Entered by: PureTrust
But consider the other side of it. Bitcoin or cash might be limited regarding how many tokens will ever be available. And this limitation might never be allowed to increase, but only to decrease. But the offset is that the divisions of the coins will always be allowed to increase. The smallest division of a bitcoin is the satoshi. The satoshi is one hundred millionth of a bitcoin. Imagine that there was only one bitcoin left in the whole world. No more could be created. The satoshi, however, with a simple line change in the programming, could easily be divided into a billion parts or more. So, the problem lies in the way people consider things. It doesn't lie in a technical limit of the number of full tokens of any cryptocurrency.
2018-04-23 00:24
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Entered by: David Macko
How soon will the enemies of liberty start attacking hands and feet which can easily be used as weapons?
2018-04-20 19:42
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Entered by: Anonymous
Does everyone understand the importance of this revelation? Look at the date and compare with the frequency of mass murders since 1974. This is about stopping rogue C|A/FB| controlled deep state that executes mass murders of YOUR schoolchildren (“behold a pale horse” by Milton Wm Cooper) using certain people with specific mental illnesses, mental therapy with psychotronic prescriptions, and these "psychotronic weapons" (read all the text in the diagrams) to 'hypnotize'. All to terrorize us into gun control. We can use this info to question the mass murderers if they heard voices in their heads, if they experienced the side effects listed in above diagrams. We can investigate the psychiatrists who prescribed the psychotronic drugs and therapy and determine C!A connections.
2018-04-20 18:06
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Entered by: Anonymous
I try to get on the jury. If it is a drug offense or some other offense against the state - acquit. “The state didn’t meet the burden of proof.” If injury or property is involved then convict and articulate the importance of restitution. It’s a screwed up system but i try the best i can to direct it.
2018-04-20 17:37
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Entered by: PureTrust
One of the things that isn't clear is if photons are the same photon from nanosecond to nanosecond, or if they trade places with other photons in one ore more parallel universes However, we are on the verge of great breakthroughs in parallel universe studies with this.
2018-04-20 16:52
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Entered by: PureTrust
One of my persons might have gotten a jury summons. I'm not sure, because there was no signature on the postcard. Besides, it didn't say if it was one of my persons, or if it was one of theirs that simply had a name similar to one of my persons. It definitely wasn't me, because it didn't say "the man" followed by my name. So, I tossed it along with the rest of my junk mail.
2018-04-18 07:29
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Entered by: PureTrust
The threat is nearing its climax. The threat has existed in other forms since the end of the civil war. The point is, are your children your property? Or are they the property of the Government. If they are the property of the Government, then they are not your property. This is the thing that started Karl Lentz on his war with Government. His audio talks can be quite long, but they started with a clear explanation of what happened to him, and how he beat the Government using the common law, and the point that his children are his property. Watch the video at the right of the page top at, a little longer than 1 hour.
2018-04-17 15:08
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Entered by: PureTrust
Regarding IRS taxes, if government pushes it hard enough, they are going to prove what they have been saying all along, that IRS taxes are voluntary. When they do this, many people will volunteer out. There was an article a few days ago in Freedom's Phoenix that said that a guy beat the IRS on religious principles. Anybody can do it this way. And there are a hundred other ways. To find something that works, go here - - and listen to all the videos that have "IRS" in their title. It will be a job, but you will win if you get the thing embedded into yourself. It isn't hard. what is hard is changing your concepts. If there is ONE concept you need to get down, it is: COMMON LAW IS ABOVE THE CONSTITUTION AND EVERYTHING THAT FLOWS OUT OF THE CONSTITUTION.
2018-04-16 08:28
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Entered by: PureTrust
The basic problem here is the banking Ponzi. If we didn't have all the inflation of the past, a dollar would still be worth a dollar, and Government wouldn't have to make the Postal System charge fees way beyond what they are allowed to by law. If we are going to trick the people into a non-government operated, central banking system just to get around the idea of not having a central banking system, then let's allow completely free private mail delivery, as well. Get government subsidizing out of it.
2018-04-16 08:21
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Entered by: PureTrust
There is evil all over the place. If we don't follow our own Constitution and laws, we are evil. Bombing Syria is against the Constitution and many basic laws. If we want to do something in Syria, let us privately (in private groups) arm the Syrian people with knowledge of freedom and how freedom works, so that they depose their own government. Then, if they won't accept the freedom and depose their own government, okay. Let them live in their quagmire. If their government hurts us, don't simply slap them, but destroy them, in self defense. Destroy their people right along for supporting the government. But also, destroy us for supporting our government if our government is evil.