Article Image Joshua Hayes (Soldier of God Apparel) - Help support my daughter until I can...


Help support my daughter until I can...

Written by Subject: How to Help

If I had options, I'd be donating to a GiveSendGo and not creating one.About six months or so ago, I started having trouble walking. My legs started curling in underneath themselves.The pain became excruciating.It felt as if my tendons were being ripped out and my muscles were being crushed from within.I've dealt with fibromyalgia for years, so I just thought this was par for the course.Unfortunately, I was wrong.It just got worse.Eventfully, I was walking with a cane.My wife then made me go to the doctor. The doctor had me get an MRI. When we got the results, I wasn't prepared.My L3 disk has herniated into my spinal cord.I asked the doctor what this meant.He said "If it moves 1mm, you will be paralyzed". I asked him what we do next.He said the only option is surgery.I asked "when" and without hesitation he told me "soon". That should be the bad news, but it's what I found out that makes this a mountain I can't climb alone.The amount of time off of work is upwards of 8 months. if I heal properly and there are no complications.In order to cover the minimum, I have to bring home $3,000 a month. This, of course, doesn't include the $3,894.62 + 20% of surgery costs I need just to have the operation. 

I haven't been able to worry about the surgery.I haven't been able to even worry about being paralyzed.I have a wife and a 4 year old daughter that solely depend on me to provide and to protect them. I don't have family to turn to.My wife doesn't have parents.If I wasn't desperate, I'd do something different.If you grew up without love, you would know the definition better than most.Love is sacrifice. If I could choose paralysis and know my wife and daughter is taken care of, I wouldn't even waste the time to think about it.Unfortunately, I don't have that option. Therefore, I'm leaving my faith in the hands of strangers and I pray they at least love a little.I'm not asking for me. I'm begging for my family.

CLICK HERE to donate to Joshua

Ernest Hancock interviews Joshua Hayes (Solider of God Apparel/TV) (MP3 & MP4)

Joshua Hayes (Soldier of God Apparel/Soldier of God TV) on Representing your Faith with boldness with thier popular themes; being a light in a dark world; Reawaken America Tours

Joshua's webpages:

CLICK HERE to donate to Joshua

1 Comments in Response to

Comment by PureTrust
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Time to find faith in God. Jesus said, "Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened." If we are not healed when we ask, many people say that it was simply not God's will. But if it wasn't God's will, then how could Jesus say it in the first place? Time to focus on what faith really is, "Because you have so little faith. I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you."