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22 Ways To Tackle Anxieties and Phobias and Stop Making Yourself a Nervous Wreck

Written by Subject: Self-Help: Rational Living
In this popular lecture series, psychologist and author, Emmett Velten, PhD, shows how people create and coddle some of their needless anxieties, phobias, panic attacks, obsessions, fears of failure and rejection. Using classic self-help, problem-solving methods of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT), pioneered by Albert Ellis, he outlines at least 22 ways you can learn to stop scaring yourselve witless and conquer low self-esteem and self-pity.

According to Velten, his rapt audience will come away from this mini-workshop appreciating how MUSTurbation leads to self-abuse, awfulizing leads to more to awfulize about, discomfort dodging won’t get you out of Dodge, and pride goeth before a fall.
Carrying forth the practice of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapists everywhere as they teach, Velten will ask for assistance from several audience volunteers in order to illustrate REBT’s ABC formula for tackling real-life anxieties.
See it tonight, Wed., September 15, 2010, at 7:00 pm 
at the Lexington Hotel, 1100 N. Central Ave., Phoenix,
(at Portland, across Central Ave. from TV Channel 12)
Admission just $4.00 at the door.

2.0 Continuing Education Credits are available ($15 fee) for licensed psychologists — other healthcare professionals should check with their boards regarding eligibility.

Velten is a clinical psychologist licensed in Arizona and California, with more than forty years of professional experience. He had a four-decade long friendship with Dr. Albert Ellis and served for nine years on the Albert Ellis Institute’s Board of Trustees.

Velten and Ellis wrote two books together, When AA Doesn’t Work for You, and Optimal Aging. As well, he has written extensively on cognitive behavior therapy and addictions, and edits the SMART Recovery® News & Views. His new, amusing book, REBT for People with Co-Occurring Problems: Albert Ellis in the Wilds of Arizona, with co-author Patricia E. Penn, PhD, is available from Professional Resource Press,, as well as from Amazon.
Website: More information: 602-254-7009

1 Comments in Response to

Comment by Ned The Head
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22 eh? Let's see how far I get

1. Weed

2. Beer

3. four wheeling

4. four wheeling with weed

5. four wheeling with beer

6. four wheeling with weed and beer

(gee this is getting tough, I'm almost out of ideas here but wait!)

7. Motorcycles.

8 & 9. motorcycles plus above psychoactives.

10. Introducing blaring heavy metal to the above gets us 18 more combinations bringing us up to 27.

And shebang! I've just beaten the "expert". So I guess it's Dr. Ned The Head to you from now on.
