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Article Image, By Alasdair Macleod

Definition: Hyperinflation is the condition whereby monetary authorities accelerate the expansion of the quantity of money to the point where it proves impossible for them to regain control.

Article Image, by Jeffrey Snider

After thinking about it all day, I'm still not quite sure this isn't a joke; a high-brow commitment of utterly brilliant performance art, the kind of Four-D masterpiece of hilarious deception that Andy Kaufman would've gone nuts over. I mean, i

Article Image, By DAVID PITT

DES MOINES, Iowa (AP) -- As if trips to the grocery store weren't nerve-wracking enough, U.S. shoppers lately have seen the costs of meat, eggs and even potatoes soar as the coronavirus has disrupted processing plants and distribution networks.

Article Image - Doug Casey

At some point, the economy is no longer controlled by individual citizens in the marketplace but by government "planners," who find they have only one of two alternatives: stop "stimulating" and permit a full-scale credit collapse, or continu
