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Worlds Wealthiest People

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Which cities are the world's economic powerhouses, and what portion of global wealth is located in these key urban centers? Today's chart pulls information from the latest report from market research firm New World Wealth, which Visual Capital

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Ogling the fortunes of the filthy rich is a popular pastime with the poorer segments of society. It's been that way for centuries, with 1849 marking the debut of Who's Who, a 250-page guide "of living noteworthy and influential individuals, fro

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(By Roger Stone) Foreign nationals are banned by law from contributing to American politicians' campaign coffers. They are not, however, banned from contributing to private foundations. According to Ken Thomas of the Washington Post, "Republicans

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Prince Harry knew Meghan Markle was 'The One' as happy couple reveal engagement ring in official photocall The smitten royal has popped the question after a whirlwind romance with the actress

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So far, high-profile Silicon Valley venture capitalist and PayPal co-founder Peter Thiel isn't saying publicly why he gave hundreds of thousands of dollars to the campaign of a state attorney general who's just launched an antitrust probe of Goog

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