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Article Image by Ron Paul Liberty Report

The market is always more powerful than governments, central bankers, oligarchs and ideologues. Of course, these groups do not like this fact, and are always hatching schemes and scams to try to overpower the market. ESG (Environmental, Social & Gove

Article Image by Eric

If you can't afford an EV – and you live in CA, one of several states that have all-but-banned anything that's not an EV – don't worry! CA will buy you an EV. To the tune of $27,000.

Article Image by S.D. Wells

High demand for gold and silver has some companies inflating pricing for "numismatic" coins and bars… learn before you buy

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As you'll see, I don't think the FTX crime, as vile as it is, is worth a great deal of our time: We are producers, and should devote our energy to production. For that reason I haven't written about it till now.

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Just days ago, Bloomberg estimated 30-year-old Sam Bankman-Fried's (SBF) personal wealth at an astonishing $16 billion. Now, the disgraced FTX founder is essentially bankrupt, and if there is a shred of justice in the world, soon headed for prison.

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Russell Brand -

As Matt Hancock is "interrogated in I'm A Celebrity", Pfizer and Moderna announce they are launching clinical trials to track vaccine-associated heart problems such as Myocarditis - a topic that's been censored for months. Was Covid the rea

Article Image by Ron Paul Liberty Report

More and more people are realizing the absurdity of "getting rid of fossil fuels," and don't find the idea of "eating the bugs" as appetizing. We work to bring home the bacon, not the insects. The ideas of "woke capitalism" and "climate finance" are

Article Image by Eric

One of the oldest tricks used to sell people things is to offer them something for "free." And one of the best examples of this bait-and-switch is the "free" 32 Point (or however many points) Inspection that you've probably seen offered by

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