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Article Image, Mike Walsh

When German Chancellor Angela Merkel opened her nation's borderless frontiers to the displaced flotsam and jetsam of the Middle East and Africa pro-state mainstream media labelled critics as neo-Nazis' and 'white supremacists'.

Article Image, Christina Comben

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban has proposed a solution for the country's declining population, a lifetime exemption from taxes for families of four children or more in the household.

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Piroska Nagy-Mohacsi - Gulf Times

Street protests in Budapest against new legislation governing overtime work - quickly dubbed the "slave law" - highlight the vulnerability of the illiberal democracies that have emerged in Central Europe. The law, introduced without any consu

News Link • Global Reported By Jim Fulner
Article Image, Sean Coughlan

A university in Hungary now formally accepts that it "has been forced out" from its Budapest base - after a weekend deadline to reach a deal with the government passed without any last-minute agreement.

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The US State Department has announced that it is going to spend a million dollars to prop up anti-government newspapers in the Hungarian countryside, which would have a direct effect on the upcoming Hungarian elections. Isn't this what the US claims

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The Hungarian Prime Minister Victor Orban, whom the President of the European Commission famously called "the dictator of Europe" said that Mr. George Soros and his empire of NGOs undermine the national interests of Hungarians, precipitating a da

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Hungary plans to crack down on non-governmental organizations linked to billionaire George Soros now that Donald Trump will occupy the White House, according to the deputy head of Prime Minister Viktor Orban's party.
