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Article Image, Dr. Lee Merritt

Dr. Lee Merritt, an Orthopedic Surgeon in Onawa, Iowa, analyzes the statistics and shows that there is no real Covid pandemic and that current public-health practices are scientifically absurd.

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What I'll give you in this post is a solution to the present tyranny. This solution involves no violence, costs nothing, and is available to all of us. It's even simple. But it does have one drawback: It requires you to make decisions and to act

Article Image, By Joseph Mercola

Yesterday, I presented Dr. Andrew Kaufman's step-by-step refutation of a typical claim that SARS-CoV-2 has been isolated and proven to exist.

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The Highwire - Del Bigtree

Ex-CDC Boss: Covid Came From Lab!; Vaccine Passports & the Last Step to Tyranny?; Science Shows Vaccines Can Make Pathogens Deadlier; "Covid Crazy" Judge Targets FL Mom

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Ex-CDC Boss: Covid Came From Lab!; Vaccine Passports & the Last Step to Tyranny?; Science Shows Vaccines Can Make Pathogens Deadlier; "Covid Crazy" Judge Targets FL Mom

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Ron Paul Liberty Report

How successful would the political classes be in expanding their powers if they had to deal with a population of individuals that were unafraid and who guarded their liberty with their lives? Liberty requires eternal vigilance. Be wary of the fear pe

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Ron Paul Liberty Report

Mainstream media is reporting that the Biden Administration is seriously looking into establishing some kind of Federal vaccine passport system, where Americans who cannot (or will not) prove to the government they have been jabbed with the experimen

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