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By Thomas Luongo Gold Goats n Guns

Next week's visit to Italy by Chinese Premier Xi Jinping has nearly everyone jittery. The recent announcement by Five Star Movement Leader Luigi Di Maio that his country is prepared to sign a Memorandum of Understanding with China to be a part of C

Article Image, Tyler Durden

Plagued by another run of bank bailouts and simmering tensions between the partners in its ruling coalition, Italy's brief reprieve following the detente between its populist rulers and angry bureaucrats in Brussels is already beginning to fade.

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The total capitulation by the Federal Reserve which confirmed all it cares about is the stock market, propelled world stocks to their best January on record on Thursday, although in a deja vu of last January, when stocks similarly soared only to flop

Article Image By Claudio Grass

Over the last couple of years, the main challenge to EU cohesion has been Brexit, with the media sharply focused on the negotiations and all relevant developments.

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By Alastair Crooke Strategic Culture

The EU leadership is trying to contain a crisis that is emerging at increasing speed: this challenge comprises the rise of contumacious states (i.e. the UK, Poland, Hungary and Italy), or of defiant, historic 'cultural blocs' (i.e. Catalonia)

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Zero Hedge - Tyler Durden

The eurozone's third-largest economy, Italy, is marooned in a deep political and economic crisis, with seeming endless problems: an economy that has barely grown in decades, sky-high unemployment rates, ballooning national debt, an inability to for
