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Headlines were made in Italy a few days ago when a "casual, unidentified photographer" happened to walk in the streets of Florence and had the uncanny ability of taking a snapshot of an inside wall of the Carabinieri barracks that are literally s

Article Image by COLLEEN BARRY

The presidents of Italy's wealthy northern regions of Veneto and Lombardy on Sunday claimed victory in autonomy referendums that seek to grab additional powers and tax revenue from Rome, riding a global tide of self-determination that has swamped Spa

Article Image by Tyler Durden

Police in Rome evicted 100s of refugees that had occupied Piazza Independenza just one block from the country's main train station.The squatters were defiant so local police used water cannons and batons in the forceful eviction. As Reuters reports

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The migrant rescue NGO vessel "Golfo Azzurro" has been refused access to Italian ports on the island of Lampedusa, with some blaming "right-wing hackers" for ship confiscations and NGO members being investigated for people smuggling.

Article Image, By Marta Paterlini

Earlier this week, in the middle of Easter night in Olmeneta, Italy, an unknown person attacked the Monsanto Research Center with several "bottle bombs" or Molotov cocktails, small improvised explosive devices.

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